Silent Auction

Time: The silent auction will be set up and on-going throughout the day on Friday. Bidding will close at 8:00pm.
Location: Regnier Center on the JCCC campus.

Questions? Contact Megan Wendleton or Lindsay Waller

A cash bar will be available during the evening.

**Purchase by cash, check OR credit card!!

The purpose of our auction is to provide scholarship money for pre-service art teachers to attend our professional development conferences.  This is your opportunity to help future art teachers experience the learning and fellowship that happens at a KAEA Conference.  The auction is open to the public.

Artwork donations should be dropped off during registration/check-in on Thursday afternoon or Friday morning in the Regnier Center on the JCCC campus.  Please let us know if you would like to receive a receipt for tax purposes.  Keep in mind that you can only deduct the cost of materials for the artwork.

Don’t forget that if you are participating in the Suitcase Sale, we ask that you donate something to the Auction!!